Metrics Management Templates - Descriptions

Customer Satisfaction Survey Only $7.95

This template is a great way to determine the quality of the project results by gathering some simple metrics. Gathering this feedback from the customer allows the performing organization to make appropriate adjustments to improve future project team results.

This template contains the following sections:

What we delivered - how satisfied were you?

How we delivered - how satisfied were you?

End-of-Project Metrics Worksheet Only $8.85

The purpose of a metrics worksheet is to capture a consistent set of metrics so that your organization can see the trends for delivering projects over a period of time.

This template contains the following sections:

Project Demographics

Development Method / Project Type


Development Architecture

Project Data Collection Worksheet

Client Satisfaction Survey

Business Client Satisfaction Survey

End-User Client Satisfaction Survey

Metrics Management Plan Only $7.95

This document is used to clearly define the plan for measuring the project success through metrics. It provides a means for defining appropriate project metrics for the project, how they will be used to measure success and how they would be used at an organizational level. This would also include the intervals they are gathered and potential corrective actions.

This template contains the following sections:


Success Criteria

Balanced Metrics Definition

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Approvals

Project Scorecard Only $8.85

This template is used to determine how successful the project was. The scorecard should include the metrics necessary to validate you have met the quality expectations of the customer since this should be one of the aspects of validating project success. 

This template contains the following sections:

Identify Criteria for Success

Assign Potential Metrics

Look for a Balance

Prioritize the Balanced List of Metrics

Handle Metrics with Highest Priority

Sample Categories and Metrics


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Product info: project management templates, lifecycle templates, application support templates, program management, project management, portfolio management, project office, PMO, project lifecycle management, application support