Human Resource Management Templates - Descriptions

360 Feedback Summary (Excel) Only $7.95

This template is used to consolidate the feedback provided from the 360 review forms.

This template contains the following sections:

Customer Feedback

Peer Feedback

Upward Feedback


Acknowledgement of Drug/Alcohol Policy Only $7.95

This is a prepared template for a new hire candidate to acknowledge they have read and understand your drug and alcohol policy.

This template contains the following sections:

Candidate Name


Manager Name



Applicant Interview Summary Only $7.95

This document is used to gather feedback from interviewers for each new hire candidate.

This template contains the following sections:

Interviewer Information

Interview Data

Overall Appraisal

Authorized Signature Form Only $7.95

This template authorizes individuals to approve certain expenses up to a certain dollar amount.

This template contains the following sections:

Type of Expense

Account / Sub Account

Dollar Limit

Authorized Name

Authorized Signature

Candidate Background Check Only $7.95

This form is used to document the results of a background check for new hire candidates.

This template contains the following sections:

Education Check

Prior Employers

Military Service


Explain Any "No" on Validation Checks

Client 360 Review Feedback Only $7.95

One way to get meaningful feedback for your performance is to ask your clients. These could be external clients or internal clients. This template includes a cover letter that explains the purpose of the feedback, as well as the actual survey that they can complete.

This template contains the following sections:

Cover Letter

Eight Question Survey


Coaching Action Form Only $7.95

A template that can be completed to document the results of a coaching session.

This template contains the following sections:

Cover Letter

Eight Question Survey


Confidentiality Agreement Only $7.95

This document provides the simple base terms and conditions for a confidentiality agreement for new hires.

This template contains the following sections:



Employee Complaint Only $7.95

A template that is used to document a formal complaint. It contains sections for the employee, manager, HR contact and tracks the status of the complaint through resolution.

This template contains the following sections:


Actions Taken to Resolve Problem

Other Staff Members Involved

Manager Comments

Manger Actions Taken

Human Resources Comments

Further Escalation (If Necessary)

Employee Exit Interview Only $7.95

A form to guide and document the discussion for an employee leaving the company. 

This template contains the following sections:

Reason for Termination

Date Benefits End

Employee Returned (checklist)

Employee Exit Questions and Answers


Employee Non-Compete Agreement Only $7.95

The basic terms for a new employee to acknowledge they will not compete against the hiring company.

This template contains the following sections:

Non-Compete Agreement


Employee Personal Contact Information Only $7.95

This form is used to document the contact information for a new employee.

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Name



Marital Status

Spouse Name


Emergency Contact

Employee Referral Only $7.95

Does your organization solicit referrals from current employees? This form is used to document these referrals.

This template contains the following sections:

Referral Name

How do you know this candidate?

Primary Skills

Describe why this person would make a good employee

Position (if applicable)

Contact Number

Incentive for Referrer

Employee Salary Change Summary Only $7.95

This is a simple form to document a change in an employee salary.

This template contains the following sections:

Position / Title

Change Date

Change Amount

New Salary


Employee Self-Evaluation Only $7.95

This template is used as input into an employee review process. It is a self evaluation by the employee. It can be used for an annual review, quarterly review or ad-hoc review. 

This template contains the following sections:

Major Accomplishments

Major Strengths

Major Objectives Not Achieved

Major Areas of Improvement

Employee Suggestion Only $7.95

This template can be used to solicit employee suggestions.

This template contains the following sections:

Describe Problem

Describe Suggestion

Describe Benefits of Suggestion


Employee Training Log (Excel) Only $7.95

This document keeps track of employee training. It can be used by the employee or a manager.

This template contains the following sections:

Date of Training

Training Event

Cost (If Any)

Business Value of Training Event

Formal Performance Warning Only $7.95

This template is used to document a performance problem that results in a formal warning to the employee.  

This template contains the following sections:

Background Information

Specific Cause of Warning

Employee Feedback

Action Plan


Hiring Authorization Only $7.95

This template is used to authorize hiring a new employee. It does not contain all of the candidate skills and experience. The form focuses on allocating the money and allowing the job search to begin.

This template contains the following sections:


Job Responsibilities


Other hiring costs


Job Change Form Only $7.95

This simple form documents that person is moving between jobs within the same company.

This template contains the following sections:

Old Job Info

New Job Info



Job Description Only $7.95

This template is used to describe the responsibilities, duties, skills and experience required for a certain job role.

This template contains the following sections:


Primary Duties

Secondary / Other Duties





Work Experience

Education Level

Job Posting Only $7.95

This form is used to describe the characteristics of a position within the organization. It can be posted internally for internal candidates or posted outside the organization for potential new hires.

This template contains the following sections:

Position Title and Info

Hiring Manager / Title

Posting ID

Job Objective

Primary Duties

Job Requirements



Estimated Salary Range


Experience Level

Leave of Absence Form Only $7.95

Use this form to document the reason for a request for a leave of absence.

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Name and Info

Leave Date

Estimated Return Date

Reason for Leave (FMLA, Short-Term Disability, Maternity, Injury)


Life Status Change Form Only $7.95

Periodically people experience a "life status change". This could include getting married, divorced, new child, etc. A life change event may be a reason to update personnel records or change an insurance policy. 

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Name and Info

Reason for Status Change

Name of Dependent

Benefit Plan

Flexible Spending Account


New Employee 90-Day Evaluation Only $7.95

Many organizations hire new employees with an initial evaluation period. This form is used to document a new employees performance after the evaluation period has ended.

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Name and Info

Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor Evaluation

Employee Should Be:

Employee's Weaknesses and Suggestions for Improvement

Employee's Strengths and How They Can Best Be Used



New Employee Information Only $7.95

This template is used to document some basic personal information for new hires.

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Name and Info

Contact Information

Personal Information

Voluntary Information

New Hire Log Only $7.95

This log is used to provide a recap of all new hires over a period of time.

This template contains the following sections:

Candidate Name and Info

Hiring Activities Checklist

Additional Fees / Expenses / Bonuses

New Hire Request Form Only $7.95

This form is used to request a new hire to fill an internal opening.

This template contains the following sections:

Position Information

Candidate Information (If Exists)

Key Business Justification for Filling Position

Reason for Position Opening


Nondisclosure Agreement Only $7.95

This template contains basic terms for a new employee to understand the nondisclosure policy within an organization. 

This template contains the following sections:



Peer 360 Review Feedback Only $7.95

One way to get meaningful feedback for your performance is to ask your peers. They are at the same level as you, and can provide valuable insight of your performance based on their expectations. This template includes a cover letter that explains the purpose of the feedback, as well as the actual survey that they can complete.

This template contains the following sections:

Cover Letter

Eight Question Survey


Performance and Development Plan Only $7.95

This is part of an employee performance review process. The form is used to identify skill gaps and create a plan to close the skill gaps in the next review period.

This template contains the following sections:

Skills to Improve

Development Activities

Target Dates

Performance Review Only $8.85

This is a packet that is used to conduct and document an employee performance review.

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Information

Performance Objectives / Assessment of Results

Performance Factor Assessment

Complete After Performance Review

Personal Change Form Only $7.95

This simple form is used to document a change in employee name, marital status, dependents or emergency contacts.

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Information

Type of Change (Name, Marital Status / Dependent, Emergency Contact)


Project Manager Interview Questions Only $8.85

Interviewing and evaluating job candidates is never an easy task. The initial interview, whether conducted in person or via telephone, is not only critical to assessing a candidate's relevant job skills and experience, but also to determining whether the candidate possesses the interpersonal competencies needed to be successful. This template will help you ask the right questions.

This template contains the following sections:

Project Management Skills and Knowledge

On-the-Job Experience


Management / Team Skills

Answer Key

Quarterly Review Work Characteristics Only $7.95

This short template is used for providing quick performance feedback during a quarterly review. This template allows a manager to quickly comment on performance areas such as enthusiasm, work quality, productivity, etc. The manager can add additional performance criteria. There is some room for comments, but it is meant to be more of a checklist form.  

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Information

Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor Evaluation


Recruitment Referral Payment Only $7.95

This form is used to document a payment made to an employee for a new hire referral.

This template contains the following sections:

Referral Information

Employee Information

Human Resources Information

Request for Flex Time Only $7.95

An employee would use this form to document their desire for flex time, and to state their proposed flex time hours.

This template contains the following sections:

Day of Week

Start Time

End Time

Reason / Comments

Return from Leave of Absence Form Only $7.95

This form is used to document when an employee returns from a leave of absence.

This template contains the following sections:

Employee Name and Info

Leave Date

Actual Return Date

Reason for Leave (FMLA, Short-Term Disability, Maternity, Injury)


Salary Change Form Only $7.95

This template will document that a change in employee salary has occurred.

This template contains the following sections:

Old Salary and Title

New Salary and Title

Reason for Change


Systems Analyst Interview Questions Only $8.85

This template contains ten questions (and answers) that a typical Systems Analyst should understand.

This template contains the following sections:

Technical Skills and Knowledge

Answer Key

Teleworking Policy Only $8.85

Many companies allow employees to work from home on a full-time or part-time basis. This document describes a sample policy for teleworking.

This template contains the following sections:



Start with a Pilot Project

Sample Teleworking Policy

Business Case


Hardware / Software

General Framework / Policies


What You Need to Remember

Travel Expense Report (Excel) Only $7.95

This template is used for employees to document their travel expenses. 

This template contains the following sections:


Type of Expense

Expense Amount


Upward 360 Review Feedback Only $7.95

One way to get meaningful feedback for your performance is to ask those people that report to you. These are probably the best people of all to provide feedback on your managerial skills. This template includes a cover letter that explains the purpose of the feedback, as well as the actual survey that they can complete.

This template contains the following sections:

Cover Letter

Fifteen Question Survey


Vacation Request Form Only $7.95

Employees use this form to request vacation time. 

This template contains the following sections:

Remaining Vacation Days

Vacation Days Requested (Range)

Vacation Days Requested (Individual)

Weekly Timesheet (Landscape) Only $7.95

This form is used to report time for the prior week in landscape format. It is similar to the form below except it allows more space horizontally. 

This template contains the following sections:


Time Worked per Project


Weekly Timesheet (Portrait) Only $7.95

This form is used to report time for the prior week in portrait format. It is similar to the form above except it allows more space vertically. 


This template contains the following sections:


Time Worked per Project


Yearly Performance Objectives Only $7.95

This form is a part of an employee performance review process. This document described the performance objectives, timeframe for completion and success criteria for each objective.

This template contains the following sections:


Performance Objectives

Success Criteria


Product info: project management templates, lifecycle templates, application support templates, program management, project management, portfolio management, project office, PMO, project lifecycle management, application support